We perform many soft tissue and bone orthopedic procedures in our animal hospital. Anterior cruciate ligament tears are the most common orthopedic problem presented to our hospital, followed by bone fractures.
Anterior cruciate ligament tears require surgical repair for proper healing. Fractures can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on the location and type of fracture. Sometimes we can apply a cast to treat certain fractures, however many fractures require surgical intervention. Depending on the type of fracture and the location of the fracture and the age and size of the patient, we may choose to use pins and wires or external fixation. Orthopedic injuries and the treatment and surgery used to treat these patients are never one size fits all.
- “Pinning” stabilizes the fracture by inserting a long stainless steel rod into the middle of the bone across the fractured area.
- “External fixation” stabilizes fractures using a series of pins on the outside of the leg that pass through the skin and into the bone on either side of the fracture.